We work closely with our primary school colleagues to ensure that the move from primary to secondary schools is a smooth and positive experience for everyone.
Transition Day gives the students the opportunity to spend time at Hitchin Boys’ School and to spend most of the day with their tutors. They have an assembly with the Head Teacher, a tour of the school, and participate in fun activities designed to help them get to know other people in their tutor group and to make new friends. This day helps the students to become familiar with our school before they return in September.
We are well aware that a number of Year 6 students are extremely anxious about their move to secondary school so we invite them in for an additional transition session in July with their parents. The visit gives families the opportunity to meet with the SEND and pastoral team and to have another tour of the school.
During Transition Day evening parents are invited to meet with the Head Teacher and their child’s tutor. All questions regarding their child’s move to Hitchin Boys’ School will be answered and parents will have the opportunity to discuss uniform requirements with representatives from our local suppliers. For those wanting to find out about music instrumental lessons, someone will be on hand to take their details.
Transition does not end in September! During their first week of the autumn term tutor activities will reinforce team-building and study skills before lessons begin. Students will be encouraged to join academic and sports clubs so that they become involved in as many extra-curricular activities as possible, meeting other students and settling into the busy life of the school.
Throughout the year the pastoral team (tutors, Head of Year and Head of KS3) will support all students to enable everyone to flourish at Hitchin Boys’ School.
Transition 2024
Students joining us in September 2024 and their parents and carers will be able to find lots of useful information on our dedicated Transition 2024 website here.