Providing high quality feedback to pupils is integral to effective teaching. Equally, gathering feedback on how well pupils have learned a topic is important in enabling teachers to address any misunderstanding and provide the right level of challenge in future lessons.
This policy has been designed to prioritise and exemplify the principles of effective feedback, ensuring our approaches are meaningful, manageable and motivating.
Our key principles for effective feedback are based on the research evidence from John Hattie, Dylan Wiliam, the Education Endowment Foundation and the Sutton Trust.
We hope that this new policy will:
- Support teachers to be more innovative in how they provide feedback and more selective in what they mark, how they mark and importantly why they mark it.
- Engage students more actively in checking their work and responding to feedback.
- Better signpost areas of success and areas of development for all, including parents and carers.
The policy can be downloaded on the right.