Pupil Premium Statement

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-26

This statement details Hitchin Boys’ School’s use of pupil premium funding (and recovery premium funding for the 2024-2025 academic year) to help improve the experiences, attainment and life chances of our disadvantaged pupils.

It also outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the outline for the following school year 2025-26 (subject to change in student numbers and government funding).

School overview

School name Hitchin Boys’ School
Number of pupils in school (Years 7-11) 1,050
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils 9.43%
Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers 2023-2026
Date this statement was published December 2023
Date on which it was reviewed December 2024
Statement authorised by Tim Bennett
Pupil premium lead Martin Monks
Governor / Trustee lead Richard Thake

Funding overview

Our Pupil Premium numbers are lower than national averages, and account for approximately 10% of the Year 7-11 cohorts. Funding for disadvantaged students in the sixth form works under a different mechanism. Numbers on the PP register remain fairly consistent from last year.

Funding for 2024-25 is reduced significantly from previous years. This is due to a phasing out of the recovery premium, and at the same time a reduction in our main Pupil Premium budget. This represents over a 25% drop in funding.

Detail Amount
Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year £98,708
Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year £5,865
Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable) £0
Total budget for this academic year £104,573

Part A: Pupil Premium Strategy Plan

Statement of intent

In line with our curriculum intent, we expect all of our disadvantaged students to achieve their unique potential, regardless of their socio-economic status. Aspiration underpins our broad and balanced curriculum and we focus our efforts on ensuring that our disadvantaged students are equipped with the skills essential for success in all areas of school life. To support this our Pupil Premium Strategy is rooted in our whole-school ethos as school wide strategies include those identified in the Government’s ‘Supporting the attainment of disadvantaged pupils: articulating success and good practice’ document found here.

Where there is targeted spending this is aimed at a smaller number of strategies to give them the best chance of success as identified by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) in their pupil premium guide. These include high academic challenge allied with a range of social and emotional support provisions.


This details the key challenges to achievement among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number Detail of challenge
1 Disadvantaged students are more likely to be “at risk” of academic underachievement. They often have depressed aspirations, in terms of future education and employment opportunities.
2 Disadvantaged students are more likely to have limited access to ICT equipment, books, specialist equipment for music, PE etc, uniform, school meals, equipment, & transport.
3 Disadvantaged students are more likely to experience cultural deprivation - travel, visits, experiences, culture, language etc.
4 Disadvantaged students’ attendance is likely to be below the average figure for all students in the school.
5 Disadvantaged students are less likely to be able to access the necessary support outside of the school environment.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome Success criteria
Academic performance of disadvantaged students improves. All year 11 students attain a positive P8 score over the course of the next 3 years.
The “gap” between the P8 performance of PP and non-PP students continues to reduce over the next 3 years.
Academic performance of PP students 2022-23 cohort as well as in other year groups continued to show evidence of the “gap” being closed when they reach the end of Year 11.
For 50% of disadvantaged students to achieve a grade 5 in English and Maths. For over 50% of disadvantaged students to achieve a strong pass of a grade 5 in the two core subjects of English and Maths. A strong pass of a grade 5 will significantly support the future ambitions of students and contribute to improved life chances.
All eligible students have access to equipment and resources enabling them to maximise educational and enrichment experiences. Revision resources and specialised equipment provided for all disadvantaged students.
Access to equipment and facilities provided that enhance both learning and cultural capital.
All eligible students given the opportunity to attend cultural visits, and are educated and experience different cultures. Pupil Premium funding offers either a full or part subsidy for all curriculum based trips.
The small “gap” in the attendance of PP students in school is falling so that it is in line with non-PP students. This will be closely monitored by Pastoral Leaders, Heads of Year (HOY) and the attendance team. On average, there is a small gap between the attendance of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students which we are continuing to address.
Intervention will be swift when any Pupil Premium student’s attendance falls below the school average.

Activity in academic years 2023-2026

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £0
Activity Description and evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed
The PP lead with the support of the relevant Teaching & Learning team member will deliver CPD opportunities for staff on bridging the gap in education for disadvantaged students and improving outcomes. They will also attend any suitable regional and national CPD opportunities. It is essential that the PP lead is up to date with any changes to Pupil Premium legislation and current thinking on provisions for disadvantaged students.
It is also essential that staff have an overview of the School’s Pupil Premium strategy, particularly middle leaders, who can then effectively implement the strategies. Regular use is made of evidence-based approaches, such as those identified by the Education Endowment Foundation and case studies from the Herts for Learning ‘Great Expectations’ framework.
1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £50,000
Activity Description and evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed
1) 1-1 and small group tuition for any disadvantaged students not making expected progress in Maths or English. EEF research shows the impact of targeted blocks of tuition to be significant, especially when provided by a specialist in this area. For maths this is supplemented from a retired maths teacher who offers one to one/small group sessions. 1, 2, & 5
2) Literacy interventions for students who scored below average in reading age tests and CATS testing. CATS PTE testing at the start of Year 7 is used to identify students not working at age related expectations, as well as their KS2 outcomes. Literacy skills underpin student’s ability to make progress in nearly all other subjects, so extra effort has been made to fill this gap. A specific focus has been placed on providing more time for the Head of English to implement reading comprehension strategies as evidence shows this has a significant impact on progress for low cost. 1, 2, & 5
3) Learning support resources and packages (e.g. KS2 Phonics resources from Twinkl) The Learning Support team works closely with departments to support students who have additional educational needs alongside Pupil Premium status. Certain software packages and resources are provided to support SEND students, many of whom also face SEND disadvantages. All subject areas have a designated Learning Support Assistant (LSA) specialist. This has included providing revision materials, work books and adapted worksheets. 1 & 2
4) Chromebook roll out support for disadvantaged students. All students at the school will have a Chromebook in Years 7 to 11 by the start of the 2022-23 academic year with the rollout beginning at the start of the 2021-22 academic year. PP students are offered a subsidy for the purchase of their Chromebook with a choice to pay monthly in small amounts over 3 years. 1 & 2
5) ELearning resources for students to use to supplement their online learning gaps (primarily aimed at KeyStage 4). School subscription for tools such as Oxford Kerboodle, Educake, MyMaths and other subject-specific resources help subject staff bridge the initial “gap” created by online learning with disadvantaged students particularly affected. These resources are also suitable for independent study and supported study with one-to-one tutors. 1 & 5
6) External speakers to support parents and students External companies including those specifically around careers awareness, provide learning opportunities to students to look at study skills and self motivation. Our careers lead looks at focused days to support PP students from Year 9 onwards with their career choices. 1 & 5

Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £54,573
Activity Description and evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed
1) Counselling and wellbeing provisions There is a clear link between academic success and good quality pastoral support. Counselling is fully funded for any disadvantaged students to ensure their wellbeing is not disproportionately affected by their socio-economic status. 5
2) Mindfit Coaching and Mentoring Mindfit mentoring provision, providing behaviour and resilience support for young people, notably those in the care system. Research suggests this has a key impact on the student outcomes. The program tackles communication skills, self-belief and provides a holistic support program for students needing it. 1, 2, 4 & 5
3) Phase 121 mentoring and counselling sessions Exam anxiety group 5 ways of well being assemblies and workshops. The charity provided mentoring sessions, working on promoting positive wellbeing and coping strategies to deal with anxiety and low mood. 1, 2, 4 & 5
4) Wellbeing coach 1 funded wellbeing coach to work with students 3 days a week for 1 year. The aim is to motivate and work with the PP and disadvantaged students to achieve their academic, career goals. 1, 2, 4 & 5
5) Careers support 1-1 careers support will be provided initially to Children Looked After from Year 9 and during KS4 to all Pupil Premium students. The ideal aim is for this to start early in Year 9 and for there to be a follow up appointment in Year 11. This allows students to meet with the careers advisor and discuss any queries they may have about their future career prospects. Evidence suggests that students who receive 1-1 careers support feel better supported when making post 16 choices.
A specific focus has been placed on exploring sixth form opportunities, to try and retain as many disadvantaged students into HBSSF as possible. We will ensure we meet our obligations to provide information on alternative providers (e.g. college, apprenticeships, UTCs etc) and that the best route is found for each student.
6) Revision guides and equipment Students in year 7-9 will be offered equipment packs funded from Pupil Premium should they need them. Students in Years 10 and 11 will have revision guides purchased for them and some past papers printed for them to practise on if they don’t have them. This will allow students to be as prepared as possible for assessments and exams, ensuring they are not disadvantaged by not being able to purchase guides at home. 1 & 3
7) Peri music lessons and LAMDA drama lessons Disadvantaged students can apply for a subsidy for their Peri music lessons for the cost of learning one musical instrument per child or to have LAMDA lessons. We realise the importance of allowing students to embrace other qualities, especially if they are in a position where their family cannot afford the fees. Students are monitored by the Peripatetic & LAMDA coordinator to make sure they are attending. 2 & 3
8) Duke of Edinburgh Due to the National recognition of the award, the Duke of Edinburgh scheme will qualify for a subsidy from Pupil Premium funding to help cover the costs associated with the expeditions. 3
9) Uniform If a student is not wearing uniform in line with the school uniform policy it has been purchased from the Pupil Premium funding to ensure students have the correct uniform and appropriate footwear. We have recently reviewed our uniform policy in line with the latest DfE guidance. Students are also able to make use of a second hand uniform store as well as to apply to a local charity (Hitchin Education Foundation) for additional financial support. 2
10) Trips There is a subsidy available for all curriculum based trips. A more detailed protocol on this will be published by the end of the spring term 2024. This allows students to build strong friendships through trips and benefit from any experiences which enhance cultural capital, such as theatre trips. 3 & 4
11) Transport Where appropriate, we have made a contribution to a student’s transport costs in order to boost their attendance and ensure they have a safe and appropriate way of getting to school. 1
12) Parental Engagement Disadvantaged students often have much lower attendance at school events such as Consultation Evenings (Parents evenings). HitchinBoys’ has invested in School Cloud to take consultation evenings online as disadvantaged students can be booked in first by the attendance team and it saves child care and transport issues for the parents as well as ensuring privacy. 1, 2 & 4

Total budgeted cost: £104,573

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil Premium Strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2023 to 2024 academic year.

Achievement of disadvantaged students at HBS Achievement of all students at HBS England (Non-Disadvantaged students) Gap between disadvantaged students and non-disadvantaged students at HBS
Attainment 8 48.6 56.3 50 -7.7
Progress 8 +0.24 +0.57 +0.16 -0.33
% 9-4 in English and Maths 76.9% 89% 72.7% -22.1%
% 9-5 in English and Maths 46.2% 64.9% 53.1% -18.7%
% Entered for EBacc 69.2% 88.5% 44.7% -19.3%
% Achieved EBacc at Grade 4 46.2% 63.9% 25% -17.7%
% Achieved EBacc at Grade 5 30.8% 43.3% 18% -12.5%

Review of Aims from 2023/24 Pupil Premium Strategy

Aim Target Review
Academic performance of disadvantaged students improves To achieve a positive progress 8. Achieved. +0.24 Progress 8 for our Pupil Premium students is better than the England progress 8 score for non-disadvantaged pupils.
More students continue their studies onto sixth form and colleges aspiring to apply for university or further education course. To achieve a representative proportion of disadvantaged students staying on sixth form. Achieved: 73% of Pupil premium yr 11 returned to sixth form, compared to 69% of non Pupil Premium students returning.
All students have access to equipment and resources enabling them to maximise educational and enrichment experiences. To provide support for disadvantaged students with any resources that may provide a barrier to learning. Completed. All reasonable requests for support with resources were met.
All students given the opportunity to attend cultural visits, and are educated and experience different cultures. All disadvantaged students are offered the same opportunities for cultural visits and are supported with any barriers to attending. Completed. Staff are aware of how important it is to ensure any opportunity is available for disadvantaged students.
The small “gap” in the attendance of PP students in school is falling so that it is in line with non-PP students. Disadvantaged students are not missing as much school compared to those who are non-disadvantaged. Partially met. Pupil Premium students attended 91.8% in 2023/24. This is above National attendance of 90.8 for all students, but below HBS attendance for all of 95.0%
All disadvantaged students are able to access counselling and wellbeing provisions as needed, to promote academic success, progress and self esteem. All students are triaged on their need and the right support is available. Completed. Students are provided with blocks of counselling or wellbeing mentoring. The School employs a 0.6 Wellbeing Mentor who provides first level care and triage prioritising pupils who are PP.