If your child is entitled to free school transport, the Transport Department of the County Council will notify you before the start of the Autumn Term.
Students who choose to cycle to school should wear safety helmets when cycling and should consider wearing hi-vis clothing during the winter months. All bicycles should have working lights, must be marked to show ownership, padlocked during the day and can be left only in the designated cycle parks. Bicycles may not be ridden in any part of the school grounds.
Motorcycles may be ridden to school only when permission has been obtained both from parents and from the Head of KS4 or the Head of Sixth Form. Motorcycles must be kept in good order. Periodic checks are made by the Police and Road Safety Officers.
Cars driven by Sixth Form students may not be parked on the school site unless specific permission has been given in advance by the Head of Sixth Form.
The school cannot accept any responsibility for loss of or damage to bicycles, motorcycles or other vehicles however caused.