
Full Governing Board Meeting

The full governing board will meet at 5pm today.

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Summer Concert

The annual Summer Concert will take place at 7pm. There will be no tickets issued, and no charge for entry to the concert, but there will be a retiring collection to raise money for new musical instruments for the school.

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Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Expedition

Students in Year 10 taking the bronze Duke of Edinburgh award will undertake their two-day expedition today and tomorrow.

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Berlin Trip

Students in Year 11 leave for a four-day Cold War trip to Berlin today.

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Y7 Induction Meetings/School closes early

Today we will be offering our new Year 7 students and their parents/guardians the opportunity to attend an Induction Meeting (one to one with a member of staff). Further information will follow nearer the time. To accommodate the meetings, school …

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Secondary Transfer Day

All students joining Year 7 in September will be visiting the school today. They will have the opportunity to meet their new tutor and fellow pupils and will learn as much as they can about their new school.

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Y9 Work Shadowing Day

Year 9 students will have a work shadowing day today.

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GCSE Music Auditions

Students wishing to take Music GCSE will have their auditions today.

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Y12 Work Experience

Year 12 students will be encouraged to undertake work experience this week.

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Board of Members' Meeting

The Board of Members will meet at 6pm today.

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Malaysia trip departs

Students depart for a four-week expedition to Malaysia today.

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End of term

Term finishes at 12.30pm today for the summer holidays.

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