Welcome to HBS

Pupils are polite and respectful

They bring to life the Hitchin Boys’ School values of respect, teamwork and kindness

Ofsted 2021

Staff have very high expectations and want the best for all pupils

Ofsted 2021

In all year groups

Pupils access a carefully planned, high quality personal development curriculum. This supports pupils to become active, respectful citizens

Ofsted 2021

From Year 7 to the sixth form pupils feel safe to share their opinions and ideas.

They are well behaved and enthusiastic about their learning.

Ofsted 2021


Calendar Events

Malaysia trip returns
12 August 2024
A Level Results Day
15 August 2024
GCSE Results Day
22 August 2024


Letters to Parents

Letter from Mr Bennett 19 July 2024
19 July 2024
Letter from Mr Ajagbonna
17 July 2024
Y9 Latin letter
12 July 2024

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  • Ofsted
  • Think U Know
  • EduLink One
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