Founded by John Mattock in the 1630s to "teach and instruct and trayne up the inhabitants of Hitchin", Hitchin Boys' School has always aimed to anticipate the needs of the future whilst striving to maintain valued traditions. Old Students include captains of industry, engineers, familiar faces on television and international sportsmen.
The original 'Free School' was based at the top of Tilehouse Street and became the Boys' Grammar School on the present site in 1889. The School became all-ability in 1974 and has since added a Science and Design Technology block, a sports hall and an all-weather playing field. Recently, tennis courts and a cricket pavilion have also been added to its facilities. The Sixth Form Centre, which opened in 2005, caters for over two hundred Sixth Form students. Granted Specialist Technology College Status in 2004, Specialist Language College status in 2009, and choosing to convert to Academy status in 2013, we continue to be proud of our past, enjoy what we have and look to the future with enthusiasm and optimism.
A Founders' Day service is celebrated annually at St Mary's Church, Hitchin. This service marks the end of compulsory education for all Year 11 and the final leaving day for all Year 13 students at both Hitchin Boys' and Hitchin Girls' Schools.