High Performance Group

The High Performance Group (HPG) is based on measures of both effort and ability. Departments have individual criteria that match their specific needs, however the broad categories that warrant selection are:

  • Exceptional performance in lessons or in recognised clubs
  • Consistently high achievement across a number of assessments in the subject
  • Demonstrating a high level of motivation to work independently towards improving their performance
  • Showing interest in the chosen subject both inside and outside of the classroom
  • Asking and answering in depth questions of a complexity level greater than content covered in typical lessons of that subject

The register of HPG students is updated regularly by the HPG Coordinators and published within school. Letters will be sent home to the parents of those students identified. Each department receives a personalised list of their HPG students, and the students themselves have a passport which will enable them to earn rewards.

Departments may offer additional sessions, talks and projects throughout the year that take students beyond the content that they encounter in lessons. This could involve the use of additional facilities, or access to experts in their field of interest. Examples of the exceptional standard of work produced by some of our students can be seen in the pictures on this page.

If students consistently attend and engage with these sessions, they may earn rewards such as significant reward points for their house, or badges and certificates for the subject. We often also find that students who engage with the HPG programmes can become even more motivated within their timetabled lessons, improving their progress and fueling a deeper love of the subject.

All students, whether selected for HPG or not, can take part in fun learning activities related to their favourite subject through our super curriculum which can be found here.

The Policy

Details on the school's High Performance Group Policy can be found here

Super curricular opportunities across all subjects can be found here