The Board of Trustees is the governing board of the Academy Trust. Its key responsibilities are to:
- Ensure the quality of educational provision
- Challenge and monitor the performance of the school
- Manage the Academy Trust’s finances and property
- Ensure that the Academy Trust complies with charity and company law
- Operate the Academy in accordance with the Funding Agreement that has been signed with the Secretary of State
The Board of Trustees Governing Body has a broad membership. There are Parent Trustees who are elected by parents, and appointed Trustees and Co-opted Trustees chosen for their particular skills, experience or professional background. The Headteacher an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees.
A large part of the day-to-day responsibilities of the Board of Trustees is delegated to committees. Currently we have the following committees:
- Audit Risk & Resources Committee - assists the Board in monitoring financial statements, financial condition, monthly management accounts, evaluating the independence of the independent auditor, risk management, and deals with all aspects of financial and human resources.
- Health, Safety & Premises Committee - covers all aspects of the School's infrastructure including health and safety policy and actions
- Teaching & Learning Committee - deals with teaching and learning targets, performance and reviews, test and exam results. This committee also reviews the curriculum
- Pastoral Committee - considers all aspects of student conduct and welfare including safeguarding, SEND and Pupil Premium. Also forms appeal committees
- Chairs' Steering Group - consists of the Chair and Vice-Chairs of Trustees, the Committee Chairs and the Headteacher. The aim of this group is to consider longer-term strategic issues and direction of the School. It also tries to ensure that there is "joined-up thinking" across the committees
All Trustees sit on one or more committees. The full Board of Trustees meets four to six times per year. The Headteacher presents a report at each meeting, minutes from each Committee are received and monthly management accounts are presented.
In addition, each Trustee is linked to a faculty, department or specific area of school such as Child Protection, Pupil Premium, Children Looked After (CLA), Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and the Sixth Form. In this role, Trustees come into school regularly to meet with staff and students. Trustees may also attend events such as concerts or plays, new students’ barbeque, the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at Christmas, and Founders Day celebrations.