October 10, 2024

Another fresh new year is here, another year to live
To banish worry, doubt, and fear, to love to laugh and give!

This bright new year is given me, to live each day with zest,
To daily grow and try to be, my highest and my best!  William Arthur Ward
It has been a month of new beginnings for all our community, and I especially welcome all our new boys and their families to Hitchin Boys’ School.  They have made an incredible start and there is a clear sense of them already being a part of and belonging to our fabric, woven into the lively bustle that epitomises a school full of energy and ambition.  I have attempted to see them and talk to as many as possible, not just in my regular Headteacher's pupil voice meetings, but in the playground, on the fields and especially as they climbed walls, leapt through laser quest and learnt the fine art of skateboarding during Action Day.
Also new are Yondr pouches, which have quickly become an essential part of being a Hitchin Boy. The playgrounds, classrooms (and toilets) feel different now because of the absence of the "always on" part of each boy. There is more chatter, more direct socialisation and more play. The best we can hope for is this ringing endorsement from an upper school boy: "They weren't as bad as I thought they would be". We also launched a new behaviour policy, which moves the focus to our shared community values and identity. Whilst it is too soon to say (and we will be polling pupils and staff) the exit polls suggest that there has been a huge shift towards positive reinforcement, with 19,000 achievement points handed out already. Watch this space!
We have already begun to look for our next cohort of boys and at our open evening, Mr Ajagbonna, Mr Monks, Head Boy Jamie Timms and I spoke at length to prospective parents outlining why it is ‘Great to be a Hitchin Boy’. You can watch the presentation here.
Together we must continue to ‘bust the myth’ and reject the saying that ‘boys will be boys’.  To do this successfully we need to avoid the stereotypical generalisations that can often affect the way we think and hence the way we then support our children.  Boys are as capable as girls; boys are not better at Maths and worse at English; boys are not less sensitive and do not care less; boys need to feel safe.
It has been a great privilege to catch up with so many of your children over the last few weeks and to see a clear sense that there is a drive and determination to be the very best they can be and to get involved in as much as they can.  It is through all our actions and constantly having high expectations that we can continue to ensure they ‘strive for excellence’. 
We must all continue to have the highest expectation.  The more we believe in them, the greater the potential for continued improvement.  Through our beliefs as teachers, parents, and guardians we will support the boys to have a stronger belief in themselves.  We all make a difference.  We must understand the effect we have on their ultimate success; it will be reflected in our own actions and positivity.  It is equally true that negative actions or attitudes about their potential could well lead to a self-fulfilled prophecy and subsequently lead to poor outcomes.  It is clear to me that this community continues to work together to achieve the very best outcomes and when we are all aligned, nothing is insurmountable.
Mr Bennett, Head Teacher

Coming up

Over the next few weeks

House points

As of 10 Oct 2024

School news

Weekend by the sea for Y13 biologists
Thirty-five of our Year 13 A Level Biology students travelled to Norfolk for a four-day field trip last weekend. They studied sand dune succession at Winterton-on-Sea, rocky shore ecology on West Runton Beach, aquatic ecology at the River Glaven and on their return visited Shepreth Wildlife Park for a lecture on conservation. Students thoroughly enjoyed the field trip and passed all their practical assessments.

Students spent the weekend in Norfolk

They studied rocky shore ecology

Can you support HBS?
Hitchin Boys’ is a school where amazing things happen; where we strive to ensure the opportunities we offer are endless and that there is something for every pupil. It is also true that a great deal of what makes us unique is built on the generosity, forethought and support of our community, alumni, parents and carers. We are determined to continue to not only provide the high-quality education and co-curricular experience the school is used to, but enhance it still further in our aim to be the number one choice for boys.
The last decade has seen a persistent real term decrease in the funding schools receive. This is due in no small way to the costs imposed on the school to function, which outweighs the income received. Whilst we have received an increase in funding of 19% over the last five years, our expenditure has increased by 41% across the school. This can be attributed to all areas, from staffing, premises and insurance to energy, which has increased by 142% alone. As you can imagine, repairs and maintenance for the school are significant, especially in a school of our heritage and history, with the smallest of improvements running into several thousands of pounds. We constantly strive to give the best offering we can to our boys as our 6th form grows but again, this does not come without challenge. The 16-19 bursary funding designed to assist the most vulnerable of our pupils has reduced over the 5-year period by 78%; this despite our ever-increasing requests for financial support. Every penny saved is reinvested to the best of our ability with the pupils and resources in mind. 
If you are able to support the school by donating, whether this be a one-off amount or a regular monthly payment, please follow this link to our HBS JustGiving page and please remember to complete your gift aid details! 
Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Please support HBS if you can

Come along to our Book Club!
The next meeting of HBS Book Club will take place on Wednesday 23rd October, 7pm at Kite at the Red Hart in Bucklersbury, Hitchin. The book to read this time is Red Dust by Gillian Slovo. It is a small, friendly group and everyone is welcome to come along. Contact Ms Seabrook on the email address below for more information.

Why not join HBS Book Club?

Behind the scenes at Sky Up
Thirty Year 11 media and Year 10 film-making students enjoyed a morning in London last week, visiting Sky Studios as part of the Sky Up project. Sky Up gives students a look behind the scenes at Sky, helping develop their confidence and build key digital skills for the future. The boys were able to use cutting-edge technology to create their own digital content, working with a team of experts to make a news report or trailer.

Students in the cinema

Students were hands on at Sky Studios

They improved their digital skills

They had a look behind the scenes at Sky

Apprenticeships: Virtual Parent Event
The HOP into Apprenticeships and T Levels Virtual Careers Fair is in its third year and has been a successful way for employers and training providers to showcase apprenticeship and T Level opportunities to hundreds of parents, carers and students across Hertfordshire. Taking place on Wednesday 29th January from 17.30 - 19.00, this free of charge event is specifically for parents, carers and students who would like to explore apprenticeship and T Level options available. The event is a collaboration between Hertfordshire Careers Hub, Amazing Apprenticeships, Hertfordshire Employers and the Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Provider Network.
 Who should attend?
This event is for parents and carers but will be particularly useful for those supporting students in year group year 10 to 13. Students in these year groups are welcome to attend.
Why attend this event?
  • Free of charge to attend (fully-funded by Hertfordshire Careers Hub).
  • Meet local training providers and colleges to hear about their apprenticeships and T Level programmes.
  • Hear from employers about local vacancies available for talented young people seeking their next steps.
  • Ask questions and gather information from the comfort of your own home.
  • Discover more about the skills and training provision being offered within Hertfordshire.
Currently attending already are:
  • Warner Bros. Discovery
  • Bam UK & I
  • Morgan Sindall Construction
  • MBDA
  • Hertfordshire Building Control
  • Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult
  • Computacenter
  • Eisai Ltd
  • John O'Conner
Training providers
  • HRC
  • iSales
  • Institute of the Motor Industry
  • North Hertfordshire College
  • Skillnet Ltd
  • Educational and Sporting Futures

We look forward to seeing you there!

The event is aimed at parents and carers

Action stations for our new Year 7s!
The end of September saw our annual Action Day, where all our new Year 7 students had the opportunity to try a range of activities and get to know their new classmates. Activities on offer included aeroball, fencing, archery, laser tag, skateboarding and the climbing wall. Students spent the day trying out all the activities, and the weather just about stayed dry!

Archery was one of the sports on offer

The climbing wall was popular

The weather stayed dry

Laser tag was very competitive!

Physics trip sparks interest
Last month, our Year 11 triple science Physics students had the opportunity to visit the historic Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, part of the University of Cambridge. They explored exhibitions learning about landing on Mars, Quantum Sensing and nuclear deterrent research, and also got to try continuous inkjet printing, learned about how materials break and some students even had the opportunity to levitate small objects using sound waves.

Students visited the Cavendish Laboratory

They took part in several experiments

Apprenticeships: new name for Parent Pack
The monthly Parent and Carer Pack, produced by Amazing Apprenticeships, has now been replaced by the new ‘Choices’ magazine. The September edition explores apprenticeships, T Levels, careers with Coca Cola, the British Army and much more. You can download the September pack here.
The Choices Magazine will be available monthly and will be distributed via the ASK programme newsletter and on social media. This year, Parents and carers can also now sign up to receive the magazine directly to their Inbox. You can subscribe to receive the magazine here.
Amazing Apprenticeships have launched a new monthly newsletter which aims to showcase exciting apprenticeship vacancies that are available currently for individuals to apply for. September's edition is now live and features over 30+ exciting apprenticeship vacancies open for applications now. Parents and carers can sign up to receive the mailing straight to their Inbox here.
They are also inviting parents and carers who may have an apprenticeship story, either through their own career journey, their child's experience or in their organisation, to share and showcase their story in our resources. If you have a story to share, please get in touch with Amazing Apprenticeships here.

Choices replaces the parent and carer pack

Fully funded skills courses for parents and carers
Aspire Education are raising awareness about their FULLY FUNDED courses for parents and carers locally. The courses are aimed at parents and carers who are looking to get back into work or change their career, by offering them an opportunity for them to gain the necessary skills for free, for a school support job that fits in with their family. 
The courses on offer are fully funded CACHE courses with certification, available in levels 1, 2 & 3, for school support roles that are funded by the ESFA (Education Skills Funding Agency). Funding has been made available for the next course, which starts on 21st October. They run the courses approximately every three weeks, as they have increased in popularity. As the funding has been awarded by the ESFA, there are some eligibility criteria that must be met for a fully funded place, which is listed on our website: www.studysmartuk.online
The courses are designed to make it easy for parents and carers who are looking to gain the necessary qualifications for a school support role, as the classes are run online, within school hours and during term times. Upon enrollment learners are asked to complete two short initial assessments online, in English and Maths to determine which level they should start on. However, the funding allows each learner to progress up to level 3, if they wish to. 
Aspire Education work closely with the local job centre and are able to offer a job interview to those who complete the course, through their learning engagement officers.
Please note that the deadline to enrol for the next course is 15th October. For more information visit their website here.

Study Smart Online

In Year 10 and enjoy playing rugby?
Are you in Year 10 and looking for a rugby team to join? Hitchin Hedgehogs, based at Hitchin Rugby Club, are looking for new and experienced Year 10 players to enable them to field two competitive teams this season. Training takes place on Wednesdays at 6.30pm and matches are on Sundays. Contact Mark on 07739 223790 if you are interested.

Give rugby a try

European Week of Languages
European Week of Languages took place during the last week of September, and as usual the MFL department arranged various activities during the week, including a competition to guess which languages the song Surface Pressure from Encanto was being sung in to the traditional continental breakfast on Friday morning.

European Week of Languages took place recently

There was a tempting array of food on offer

Staff helped to serve the breakfast

Lots of students enjoyed the food

Have Your Say
North Herts Council is currently running the next round of consultation to help shape the future of the Churchgate shopping area in Hitchin.
This is a unique opportunity for parents, pupils, and the wider community to get involved and have a say in the transformation of this important town centre site. Churchgate holds a special place in Hitchin, with its proximity to the historic Market Place, St Mary’s Church, and the River Hiz. The aim is to revitalise this area to create a vibrant, welcoming hub that reflects the needs of our community.
The Churchgate Regeneration Hub is open at 16/17 Churchgate on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays until 2nd November 2024. Please visit if you can to share your thoughts and ideas. Your input will help create a collective vision for the area, ensuring any development respects the heritage of Hitchin while meeting modern needs. 
To participate in the consultation, people can either visit the hub or complete the online survey at www.north-herts.gov.uk/churchgate

Have your say on the Churchgate regeneration

Healthy lifestyle help
You may already know Beezee Families (formerly known as BeeZee Bodies) offers FREE healthy lifestyle 12-week programmes to families with a child or children who are above their ideal weight. However, Beezee also offers ALL YEAR- ROUND FREE 1:1 support for parents/carers whose child or children are either above the 91st percentile, or they display 2 or more of the following risk factors:
• Children with SEND
• 1+ parent or older sibling overweight/obese
• Rapid weight gain (2 centiles crossed)
• Poor diet, sleep patterns or oral health
• Less than 1 hour of physical activity a day
• Fussy /restrictive eating (but not underweight)
• 2+ hours screen time/day
• Poor self-esteem in relation to weight
• Subject to weight-based bullying
• Live in a deprived area
• Ethnic minority groups
• Conditions associated with obesity
Initial Appointment (up to 1 hour)
Our Beezee Families 1:1 service is delivered over the phone, WhatsApp video or MS Teams, by our experienced Wellbeing Coordinator and/or Nutritionist. The parent/carer can choose whether to include the child in the conversation or not, and during the call they are able to discuss the healthy lifestyle challenges they face without judgement. Together, they will create an Action Plan to make small achievable changes and build healthier habits to last a lifetime.
Follow up Appointment (up to 30 mins)
One month later the second phone call will be a valuable opportunity to reflect on the action plan and discuss how things went and obtain further guidance and support.
If the family would like to join our 12-week programme afterwards are welcome to do so – the in-person programme takes place three times a year across Hertfordshire, or they can join our online sessions instead.
For more information, email BZBinfo@maximus.co.uk or call 01707 248648.

Sign up to Beezee by scanning the QR code

Scan here

New street dance class
If you are keen on street dance, you may be interested in a new class at Rodney's Dance School in Hitchin. The class, run by professional dancer and instructor Charlotte Francis, provides a fun and energetic environment where children can learn dance fundamentals, express their creativity, and build confidence. The class is suitable for children age 10 plus and any skill level, and offers a great way for kids to stay active outside of school hours. It takes place on Saturdays from 10.30 - 11am at St John's Community Centre and costs £5. For more information visit https://www.rodneysdanceschool.com/ 

Sign up for the new street dance class

Please label belongings!
Parents and carers, just a reminder to please label all your son's belongings - coats, blazers, PE kits, hockey sticks etc. We have lots of lost property left around school every day, and it is much easier to match belongings with their rightful owners if they are named. Thank you for your support.

Intalink Bus Tickets
A parent has alerted us to a new two-zone bus ticket from Intalink, which may be of use to students travelling in from the surrounding villages. Intalink have now introduced ‘Connect Two Zone’ tickets which allows unlimited bus travel within any zone and any adjacent zone for the period purchased. Students have to register for an Intalink account on their phone, and link the Herts Savercard number. Then they purchase the ticket (the greatest savings are made when buying a 4-weekly one) and the app’s QR code is shown to the driver on the bus. The ticket can also be loaded on to the Savercard itself. More information on the Connect Zones can be found here and the Zones map can be found here.